Te Waka O Rangi

This weekend was the setting of Matariki. That means that the Matariki cluster that are visible in our skies all year round have dipped out of view for the next month. When they reappear in the East in the next Tangaroa phase (Puanga is more easily visible to us in the South), it signifies the rising of Matariki and the start of the New Year.

In Māori astronomy, this represents Te Waka o Rangi, guided by Taramainuku, who casts his net for 11 months of the year to gather passed souls, has taken our loved ones to Rarohenga (heavens), where they will rest and be transformed into stars.

It means for us that we need to start preparing ourselves for the harshest winter months, get ready to hunker down and spend time remembering our loved ones that have passed and reflect on the year that has been.

Follow the link below to learn more



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