Our whare is a kaupapa Māori space for the entire community, where everyone is welcome.

Mo mātou
About us

Our aim is to empower our community to embrace and celebrate te ao Māori, te reo Maori and tikanga Māori and for us to learn and grow in our mātauranga together.

We will do this by creating a space that is identifiably Māori, led by tikanga and manaaki, where we can be ourselves and come together as a whānau - tamariki are especially welcome as they are our taonga.

We’d love to connect soon; come and have a kapu tī and a kōrero with one of our whānau, or join one of our many kaupapa.

Our whare

There are a variety of spaces in our whare to meet with others, have private korero, learn in a class setting, wānanga, relax or get some mahi or study done on your laptop. Tamariki are always welcome , they are a taonga for our Whare. 

The space is warm and inviting with a library of pukapuka Māori to borrow from, a collection of taonga puoro (Māori musical instruments) to experiment and play with and taonga kākahu (special cloaks and adornments) which local whānau are welcome to borrow for their special occasions, like graduations or birthdays. 

The Mawhera Incorporation is a big supporter of our kaupapa and leases our whare to us at an affordable rate; we are immensely grateful for this tautoko.