Kōanga Kai

Eli Maiava created Whare Manaaki o Te Tai Poutini in Mawhera to fill a gap. It was to be a place where whānau of all backgrounds could seek support in raising tamariki with a sense of ownership and validation in their own identity.

With Whare Manaaki’s association with Te Pūtahitanga and its Kōanga Kai initiative, there’s been a huge growth in community spirit and wellbeing, and Eli (Waitaha, Ngāti Māmoe, Poutini Ngāi Tahu) has been inspired by the number of people who have overcome challenges through working māra kai.

Article originally published on Te Pūtahitanga o te Waipounamu


Good Sorts: Greymouth community space a home for many


Te Pūtahitanga o te Waipounamu