Moko Kauae & Ta Moko

We have the privilege of hosting Chris Harvey and Paris Tainui, tā moko practitioners at Whare Manaaki in Mawhera/Greymouth on Tuesday 23 January.

Tā moko and moko kauae are traditional Māori skin markings that have been passed down through generations. They are a symbol of identity, culture, and whakapapa. The practice of tā moko is deeply rooted in Māori culture and is considered a sacred art form. It is a way of connecting with one’s ancestors and preserving their stories and traditions.

Bookings are available and essential. Spaces are limited. Contact for further information.


Te Ataarangi Rumaki Reo classes 2024 - At Whare Manaaki


Our kaimahi always working hard behind the scenes to learn and grow skills to share with our hapori.