Whare Manaaki was created to uplift and support whānau across Te Tai o Poutini, creating a place where all can find safety, belonging, and connection.
Kāpunipunitanga | Meeting Place
Hapūtanga Wānanga – Supportive sessions for expectant parents and whānau.
Waiata & Kapa Haka – Embrace the Joy of Māori song and dance, open to all.
Community Dinners & Celebrations – Join us for shared meals and gatherings.
Kaupapa Māori Learning
We offer a range of Kaupapa Māori support services to our local Hāpori. Mana Wāhine (WOW), Whānau Ora Navigators, Hākui (support through pregnancy), Tūpuna Parenting Program, Hāpori Playgroup, Te Reo Māori Classes, Kōanga Kai (Gardening education)
Traditional Rongoā Māori
Māori healing practices are an opportunity to tap into a different kind of medicine from the GP or other Western medicines, and there is a lot of value in it for all of us.
Rongoā Clinics | Ora Tika Maori

About Whare Manaaki - Kaupapa Māori Space
Empowering Our Community
Supporting their Well-being

At Whare Manaaki, our mission is to uplift and empower every individual and whānau, fostering safe, connected spaces for learning, growth, and well-being. Through manaakitanga, we offer a nurturing environment with a wealth of services to support each person’s journey to thrive, rooted in the strength of community and whenua
At Whare Manaaki, we share more than kai and services – we give aroha and mātauranga too
Eli Maiava | Founder
Our Kaupapa
Services | Programs
We offer a diverse range of community programs that educate, inspire, and celebrate the richness of Māori culture, uplifting the community and strengthening knowledge for all.
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Koha Appreciated

Ma te kotahitanga e whai kaha ai tātou – Through unity, we find our strength as a community
Whare Manaaki O Tē Tai Poutini